Behavior Modification Board & Train Hybrid
The 4-Week Behavior Modification Board and Train Hybrid Program is suitable for those who face challenges in dog reactivity and aggression. Reactivity and aggression are serious issues and should never be minimized. In reality, aggression is a behavior that every dog is capable of, especially when given the right circumstances. It is vital to correct these aggressive reactions immediately to prevent any serious repercussions.
Reactivity and aggression are some of the most concerning behaviors to most dog owners. They can take on several forms, including snarling, body posture indicators, growling, barking, and even physical attacks toward other dogs or people. Any number of factors can play a part in the manifestation of aggression – lack of socialization, abuse, fear, owner’s behavior, and genetics, just to name a few.
Regardless of the root cause of reactivity or aggression, our job is to teach the dog a better way of existing in our world. We accomplish this by putting the dog into a strongly structured environment with clear and concise communication, establishing strong rules and boundaries, and teaching them exactly what behavior is expected of them and what is not allowed.
Throughout our training, we establish a new kind of relationship with the dog – likely not one it has ever had before – in which they see a human as a strong competent leader. The dog learns to trust that in any situation we encounter, we humans have under control. Once your dog learns to let go of the reactive/aggressive behavior, they are able to relax and live a happier, more fulfilling life. Most owners will see transformation results they wouldn’t have thought was possible.
As a holistic part of training to reduce reactivity/aggression, your dog will be trained in basic obedience and graduate with a strong drive to make you happy. This training becomes quite fulfilling to the dog. Just like a person, dogs enjoy learning new things and succeeding at them.
Down – Lay down
Come – Recall
Heel – Loose leash walking at side
Place – Dog goes to an elevated defined area until released
No – Discipline for unwanted behaviors such as excessive barking, jumping on people, digging, etc.
Door manners – No bolting through doors/gates
Potty training – A foundation of going to potty outside is set during program
Stay – Dog learns with stationary commands Sit, Down, Place. They are to ‘stay’ until released. The word ‘stay’ isn’t used it’s inherent to stationary commands.
When your dog completes our Behavior Modification Board and Train Hybrid Program, your companion will be brought home, and you will receive a thorough debrief of their training. You’ll also receive coaching on how to command the same level of obedience we do. We will work with your dog and go over what your next steps need to be to ensure all the hard work stays, now that the dog is back in its old environment. It is absolutely imperative that you follow your trainer’s guidance to ensure maximum success.
After the drop off, we will schedule a follow-up after a week. We will come back to your home after you’ve had some time to enjoy your dog’s new skills and work with your companion on your own. We will answer any questions that may have come up and ensure you are staying on the right track to building a stronger companionship with your dog. This entire program is designed to ensure you can enjoy a well-balanced, well-behaved dog for the rest of their life.
If your dog has shown signs of aggression, let’s find a solution together!
4 WEEKS | $4,500
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Obedience board & train hybrid
The 3-Week Obedience Board and Train Program focuses on building a strong foundation in obedience with lasting results by providing a structured learning environment and developing communication, rules, boundaries, and your dog's reliance on you for guidance.