Build a better relationship with your dog.

Human relationships are built around communication. Not surprisingly, the same rule applies to the relationship with your dog. Establishing a core language that both you and your dog understand is essential to building a harmonious relationship.

We’ve all seen the dog dragging its owner down the sidewalk, inappropriately barking at things, or any other act of unwanted behaviors. I’ve often heard owners say, “He knows not to do that.”... But does he really?

At Leaps N Bounds K9, we have a well-balanced approach to training by using motivational training to introduce and perfect new behaviors. Not only does it encourage the dog to think for themselves, but they become much more engaged with you. We use Marker Training (aka ‘clicker training,’ though we don’t use clickers) to train new commands by rewarding the dog with positive reinforcement, most commonly with a high-value food reward. However, as much as we all enjoy giving praise and treats, there are some situations where this simply isn’t effective in the real world. Therefore, we also employ the proper use of training or corrective collars where appropriate.

The combination of motivational training along with appropriate physical cues or corrections creates a very well-balanced, respectful dog who is motivated to work for you and understands that commands, rules, and boundaries that must be respected, regardless of the environment or distractions.

Through our training system, your dog will learn how to understand your communication with them, look to you for direction, pay attention to what you ask of them, and follow your lead. They will learn how to control their impulses and think before they act. This further deepens the relationship between you and your dog, and gives you both a much more fulfilling life together.

Most of what people call aggression in dogs is really just an inappropriate response to fear and uncertainty. The way to address the problem is taking away the fear of the unknown, by making it known.
— Dick Russel